Elled Scordino De Bellis Law firm
ELLED Scordino De Bellis is a leading independent law firm of prominent lawyers committed to excellence in the practice of law and compliace.
Our client base includes industrial and commercial companies both large and small, financial institutions, private funds and governments, as well as start-up and individuals requiring general legal services.
Our goal is to provide high quality, timely and pragmatic advice – every time. One of ELLED’s core strengths is to be able to guide our clients step-by-step through all core entrepreneurial activities.
Our client base includes industrial and commercial companies both large and small, financial institutions, private funds and governments, as well as start-up and individuals requiring general legal services.
Our goal is to provide high quality, timely and pragmatic advice – every time. One of ELLED’s core strengths is to be able to guide our clients step-by-step through all core entrepreneurial activities.
- Art
- Banking
- Copyright
- Construction and infrastructures
- Art heritage
- Entertainment
- Fintech
- Healthcare
- Fashion and luxury
- Aviation
- Real estate
- Public sector
Corporate and Financials
Litigation, arbitration and alternative dispute resolution
Real estate
Latest news
Le novità introdotte dalla Direttiva UE 2023/970 in tema di parità retributiva di genere
Novità normative: le linee guida AGCOM volte a garantire il rispetto delle disposizioni del TUSMA da parte degli influencer
Article Events
Musica e fintech – panel alla Milano Music Week
Musica e fintech alla Milano Music Week